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Jed Sutter



Jed is a self taught artist who has been working in acrylic, gouache, watercolor and oils since mid 2016. Jed paints a variety of subjects in a realistic style. He is drawn to the Local.  

Local, as in the MBTA trolley that rumbles 50 feet behind his house in Milton, MA; local landscape, bridges and urban architecture. 

And Local, as in the seashore, harbors, boats and moods of the hometown in Maine where he grew up. 


Jed is a member of Boston’s Copley Society of Art and Gloucester’s North Shore Arts Association. He has exhibited  at Hyde Park's Switch Co-Op, at the Milton and Newton libraries and at a variety of local businesses. His work can be seen at the Switch And at the Wright Gallery in Cape Porpiose, Maine. 


He lives in Milton with his wife Liddie, their sons David and Cole,  two cats, Thunder and Lightning and their dog, Stewart.

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